Conclusion for Now and Few Tips
It's been about 10 months since the introduction of the current version VOLUMEONE. It has been a slow moving process of accumulating good content on the platform. After 10 months of experience, the team learned that this whole thing is more about having appropriate equipments for filming and editing than having a perfect platform for sharing video files.
Regarding the security of VOLUMEONE, there isn't very much to worry about vandalism on the platform itself, but if one chooses to allow the users to download the content to PC and iPod, one has to trust these people that they would also observe the copyright and the idea of fair use. It is easy to disable the pod-casting and "embed this video" function, but since the original intention of developing VOLUMEONE was to help small art organizations to make a maximum use of their video content on the web by making the platform as accessible as it's possible, the team keeps the setting of VOLUMEONE as is and hopes both museums and the audience would use it wisely.
The team has been suggesting small art organizations to create their web sites based on free blog services such as Blogger in order to incorporate video files. With a service offered by Blogger, for example, the subscriber could choose the site to be shared only by registered members. This may be a convenient feature when discussing the ideas for forthcoming exhibition, or event only among staff members. Video files can be kept on view at the VOLUMEONE with minimum information for general public in this setting, separate from the members-only blog site.
DMC Institute/Keio University continues to welcome any inquiries and interest regarding VOLUMEONE for possible collaboration. Please feel free to contact any time during the conference, or by E-mail later on.